Form Products Plugin | Blue Form Builder Magento Marketplace Extension Verified

Add Forms on Product Pages

Extension has been verified successfully by Magento Marketplace

Magezon guarantee all products have to meet the requirement of developing extensions according to Extension Quality Program on Magento Marketplace. The program is powered by Magento expertise, development guidelines, and verification tools.

Passing the verification confirms the best coding structure, performance, scalability, and compatibility with Magento 2 core of the extension.

The EQP program consists of 3 review processes including Business Review, Technical Review and Marketing Review. The Technical Review is the toughest one with careful checklist:

  • Check Code Quality/Syntax
  • Check for Viruses and Malware
  • Check for Plagiarism
  • Verify that Product Installs Correctly
  • Verify that Varnish Works Correctly
  • Quality Assurance: Pass Manual QA

EQP explanation can be found in this official blog post from Magento. View Form Products Plugin on Magento Market Place

Form Products plugin allows you to assign forms to specific products. This way, your customers can contact you right from the product page if they have any questions about the product.

Here are forms that are commonly added to the product page: Request for quotation form, FAQ form, Request a call back form and Ticket form. 

Form Products is a plugin of Blue Form Builder extension. Please pre-install Blue Form Builder. After that, install Form Products plugin and it will be integrated with existing Blue Form Builder on your website.

Installation Service is optional and covers installation of the extension by our team into a single Magento location. Live, dev or staging servers/locations are treated as separate.

Priority Support Service - assigning a higher priority to all your support request by moving them to the top of the ticket waiting list.
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Feature Highlights

Add forms on product pages

Form Products plugin allows you to add any desired forms to product page. You can add multiple forms to a product page. Or add a form to different product pages.

Here are common kinds of form you can add to the product page:

Support 6 positions to display forms

Our plugin allows you to choose where on the product page to add the form, including:

  • Before social links
  • After social links
  • After Add to Cart button
  • After product name
  • Add new product tab
  • After product form

Feature Full List

  • Add forms on product pages
  • Support 3 form types: popup, inline & link form
  • Support 6 positions to display forms
  • Design popup button and link text
  • 100% open-source
  • Easy to install and configure
  • User-friendly interface
  • Free lifetime updates

Release Notes

New Update (released on June 6th, 2024)

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7

Version 1.0.4 (released on May 8th, 2023)

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.6

Version 1.0.3 (released on Dec 23rd, 2022)

  • Replace DB Setup

Version 1.0.0 (released on Aug 31st, 2018)

  • Initial Release

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about Form Products plugin? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. If your questions are not listed here, please contact us.

To install the plugin, please refer to this document for detailed instructions. It will take you just a few minutes to install our plugin.

After installing this plugin, you can find it in the settings of every form. Open a form’s settings. Then click on “Plugins” tab. You will see the plugin in Form Products tab.

Form Products | Find plugin in backend

Yes, you can add as many forms to a product page as you want.

Yes, of course. You can add multiple forms in a position, like this:

Form Products | Add multiple forms in a postion on product page

You can decide which form will come first in the position. To do this, open a form in the backend. Then go to Settings > General. In this section, you will see a field named “Position”. Enter a number in this field. The form with smaller number will come first.

If you do not find your wanted positions to display the form on product page, you can contact us and we will help you.

Because Form Products is a plugin of Blue Form Builder extension, the Magento edition for its installation will be decided by the edition you choose for Blue Form Builder.

If you have any questions or need any support, feel free to contact us via the following ways. We will get back to you within 24 hours after you submit your support request.

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