Magezon Page Builder - Works with Any Magento Theme

Your site - Your theme !


Adapting to all the Magento themes is one of the most fantastic features of Magezon Page Builder. No need to learn new tools with each of your Magento websites, just use our builder to do it, easily.

Works well with any Magento theme  

You get freedom while selecting a Magento theme to apply to the website. It's not a commitment to a single theme or developer anymore!

There's no matter even if it's Ultimo or Porto. As the themes are installed and listed in the list, the page's interface will automatically be updated. 

So, create beautiful page layouts just by applying your desired Magento themes.

Popular Magento Themes 

So many merchants succeeded in applying Magento themes to their websites. Here below are some of the most beautiful and popular themes for Magento platform: 

Maintain your old content   

Your taste of style will change after times. Making changes to your theme is important as you can refresh and give customers better experiences. 

However, there are some existing questions such as "Will the content be the same after switching the theme?", or "Is it time-consuming to edit content to fit the new layout?" and "Does it require any code?" 

No need to worry, Magezon Page Builder recognizes all your previous content. No more losing data and structure while switching the theme. No code needed to mend the conflicts as everything is intuitively displayed with drag & drop interface


Of course not. As Magezon Page Builder adapts perfectly with all Magento themes, there's no need to use any other builder. 

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Create any page layouts in minutes... What are you waiting for?

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